Fintech Platforms

Goal of the project

The primary objective of this project was to digitize traditional banking products, specifically Loans, Leasing, and Credit Cards. The aim was to streamline and automate the end-to-end process, encompassing submission, verification, and approval. Achieving this required seamless integration with a core banking system to enhance efficiency, reduce manual intervention, and provide a more user-friendly experience.

Tech Stack

The technology stack chosen for this Fintech platform played a crucial role in its successful development. The key components include:

.NET Core

Utilized for robust and scalable backend development.


Employed for creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

Microsoft SQL Server

Selected as the relational database management system to ensure data integrity and reliability.

Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ

Integrated message brokers to facilitate communication between microservices and ensure real-time data flow.


The implementation of the Fintech platform followed a Microservices Architecture, breaking down the application into modular and independently deployable services. This architectural choice enables flexibility, scalability, and maintainability. Additionally, containerization through Docker was adopted, providing consistency across development, testing, and deployment environments.

How We Achieved It?

The project’s success hinged on the seamless integration of microservices, Angular applications, and the core banking system. The microservices communicated with each other and with the Angular applications, forming a cohesive ecosystem. By leveraging Docker, the microservices were containerized, ensuring a consistent environment throughout the development life cycle. Amazon Web Services (AWS) played a pivotal role in hosting the infrastructure, with the Elastic Container Service (ECS) facilitating efficient orchestration and management of Docker containers.

In summary, the Fintech platform was successfully developed by combining a powerful tech stack, adopting a Microservices Architecture, implementing containerization, and leveraging AWS for a scalable and reliable infrastructure. This approach not only digitized traditional banking products but also optimized the submission, verification, and approval processes, delivering a modern and efficient financial service platform.